High Risk Card Processing and Reduced Fees

High Risk Credit Card Processing

 Q: My online business needs high risk credit card processing, what are my best options?

 A: From Network Marketing sites to international business accounts… there are dozens of companies that only qualify for high risk processing. Due to the nature of these accounts, the costs are considered higher. For companies running on tight margins, these high rates can mean the difference between operating at a profit or a loss.

Here are some ways you can reduce fees on high risk credit card processing:

Quantum Merchant Services
remove high fees for high risk

 How to get your business re-classified
What factors are causing you to fall into the high risk processing category? Is it your business classification? Do you have high rates of fraud and/or chargebacks?

Sometimes, it’s actually possible to get your business re-classified and no longer be considered a high risk merchant account. By just tweaking small changes to your website, etc.
For example, are chargebacks part of your problem? there are some high risk credit card processors that utilize special formulas and procedures to minimize their occurrence. They take extra steps to detect possible fraud and go that extra steps to fight  chargebacks. The best high risk merchant services will also advise ways for you to change your business practices to further reduce the chargeback rate. When all is said and done, this may qualify you to be re-classified in a different risk tier.

Of course even if you follow the above advice, there are types of businesses which will inevitably still be classified “high risk” simply because of the industry they operate in. When that’s the case, then you need to find ways to get cheaper processing fees.

How to get your business the best rates
If the type of business you operate will inevitably be classified high risk no matter what, then it’s extremely important that you get the absolute best rate possible.
Did you know that high risk credit card processing companies are notorious for ripping off their clients? This is because they know your processing options are limited, so they take advantage of that and milk you for all they can. You can’t let this happen.

Quantum Merchant Services
High Risk Doesn't Have to Mean High Rates
Simply put, what you need to do is shop around and compare rates from multiple card processing companies. When you do this, you will definitely be surprised how much the rates can differ for high risk merchant accounts – a few charge cutthroat competitive rates, but most of them charge drastically inflated prices. So don’t get ripped off by just sticking with your existing processor or going with the first one you get a quote from.

For a reliable partner to process your high risk credit card payments contact us at Quantum Merchant Services. We  are here to ensure the long term success of your business

Quantum Merchant Services
High Risk and International Processing Accounts
(Not all businesses are accepted but we will give you the best shot at getting approved).

High Risk Credit Card Processing 


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