Accept Credit Cards Online
Top 5 Little-Known Ways to Use a Payment Gateway Sometimes when we say “payment gateway,” people look at us like we are speaking a foreign language. “What is a payment gateway?” they ask. According to a recent survey, a payment gateway can be the difference in seeing $3 million and $5 million in revenue each year. Why? Because a business that both has a website and can process payments through their website is generating a TON more revenue than someone who doesn’t. If you’re not experiences in the credit card payments processing industry, it's worth asking what a payment gateway is or why you should consider adding one – regardless of whether or not you already have a way to accept credit cards. Let’s first talk about what a gateway is and then review why you should consider adding one for your business. A payment gateway is simply another way for your customer’s credit card info to get to your processor. The gateway provides an avenue for that se...